Thursday, February 4, 2010

Not Great News

I swear, this journey is the hardest journey we have ever been on. So we did not pass court today. We were approved by MOWA, which is great. We had all of the paper work in order. Which is awesome. However, the judge wanted an additional piece of paperwork from the father. The paper was already done once, but she wanted a newer version on Addis letterhead. So, our agency went and got it signed already so we are rescheduled for Monday. Hopefully we will pass this time. If we don't, I guess we will keep fighting.

The good news is that if we pass on Monday, our embassy date is still March 18 so there shouldn't be a delay in when we can go get them. Just a delay in anxiety. So please continue to pray. Our pastor called and cheered me up. He reminded me that it took the Pharaoh 10 plagues before he let His people go. Not 5 not 7 but 10. We are close to 10 delays I think. Thanks for all of the supportive comments and emails. It has really helped me get through. Monday its only four days away. We can hold on till then. We have no choice :)


Stephanie said...

I will be praying. It took us three times to pass court and it was the worst feeling in the world. :(

So sorry that after all you have been through, you are going through this. (((hugs)))

Christina Hubbard said...

Breann- I am still praying! I so wish that one thing would go easy for you.

Julie said...

Hang in there Breann!! It will happen, you will pass and go and pick up your sweet boys. Then we will have a big BBQ in the backyard so all the kids can play together.
