Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New Moon--Team Jacob

So tonight my Twilight friends and I finally got to see New Moon. I read these books on Christmas Break one year. I could not put them down and went through some separation anxiety when I finished the series. I felt like I lost a few friends when I was done. I know that this is like 17 year old romance but it's so much more.

The interactions and emotions of the book are described so well that your body actually aches for Bella. This was not captured in the first movie. I know it was a low budget film and all but there was some major let down and did not live up to the book.

New Moon however, improved 150%. The desperation of Bella was still not on target; but I think they didn't want people getting depressed for 2 hours. The actors have matured some and the effects were actually good. I am glad Victoria had fiery red hair in this film as opposed to the strawberry blond she was in the first film.

I must say the entire time I read this series, I was pulling for Jacob. He is the fun light hearted not all full of turmoil guy. I love how the relationship ends though. Very Clever Stephanie Meyer!!! I am so excited that the second flick rose to the occasion because the books were so good. Thank you Hollywood.

And on the adoption front, we heard some news today, not sure if it was good or bad news but our agency didn't know that the boys father had not yet relinquished his rights until this week. They did not tell us this till now? Ten weeks later? But the good news is that he did relinquish his rights and they can get moving on the paper work. So yeah!!! There was a reason for the hold up after all. It's just that no one knew why. So hopefully not that hoop has been jumped through we can hear some good news. Please keep praying for us, our boys, and all the orphans throughout the world.

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