Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's official

Well I am an official blogger... I am starting this to occupy time while we wait for our children to be referred to us. We have been on this journey for one and a half years now. We have been on the waiting list exactly 6 months today. I know God has an amazing family planned for Nick and I but some days it is so hard to not know. I have been reading many blogs today, looking at all of the beautiful faces of those who have been united with their family and are done waiting. Everyone says the time goes so fast... It does, until you are waiting for something special.

I feel as though I am destined to watch other people's children forever. I am a teacher to 30 wonderful 10, 11, 12 year olds. Youth sponsor to 25 teenagers and unofficial nursery cordinator to a fluctuating 10-12 babies and toddlers. I only have Saturdays to spend without children and yet I constantly find myself drawn to friends that have children.

We spent this weekend watching a friends two year old. At no point this weekend, did I think this is hard. Though I was only babysitting, it felt so completely right, (even when she was sleeping sideways in our bed). I have read all of the books, read the blogs, taken classes, prayed daily, now we are ready. Save one point, the fee's keep increasing. Every time we seem to get a handle on the amount we need, there is a new fee or increased fee thrown our direction. It is all very frustrating so I give all to God. It is in Your hands. We have always been provided for and I am sure this is not one exception.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi!! found your blog through the yahoo group! just thought it would stop by and say, "hello".

we received our referral on dec. 17th and are trying patiently wait for our april 6th court date (only 27 more days!!!)

look forward to following your journey!!