Friday, March 13, 2009


So the pink list is officially out. Today so many educators are struggling. It is so humbling and awakening. In our district only 28 people were given pink slips (lay-off notices), yet at our school there were four people. There are 16 elementary schools in our district and we had a seventh of the the lay-offs. We knew they were coming, we know they are not official (the state has to finalize their budget by May even though there is a special election on May 19th) yet today 28 families in HUSD (9,000 in LAUSD) are worried about how to pay their mortgage, bills, for food next year. It is quite amazing how quickly the budget and security was ripped out from underneath us.

We seem to go through life pretty unscathed. But there are many bumpy roads, (uncomfortable and unforeseen) yet we seem to land on our feet here in America. The time ahead will hopefully bring family and friends together. It is my prayer that we return to a less materialistic time and focus on God, relationships, and our character. Let's face it... everything else is just stuff. It will break, become obsolete, disappear, or become unwanted. If we focus our time and energy in each other, we don't need all that junk.

I will be praying for a sense of comfort and hope for all those around Hemet, the country, and around the world tonight.

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