Thursday, June 25, 2009

5 years!!!

Today is Nick and my anniversary. It has gone by so quickly. We were some of the first of our friends to get married and many people said we were too young. Well, I think they were all wrong. I absolutely love being married. I don't know who does not want to be connected to your best friend forever. God gave us the greatest gift when he gave us matrimony. There is no one who will love, understand, or comfort us like our spouse.

I am truly blessed to have found such a patient, understanding, intellectual man. I know there are so many days that I take him and our relationship for granted, but when I slow down and think about all the wonderful memories (there have been some not so wonderful memories too:) I can't help but smile and thank God.
It's amazing how much you can do in 5 years. Moved three times, many vacations, bought a house, started a church, made and lost friends, lost family members, been in numerous weddings, started our careers, started our own bussiness, changed careers, tried to start a family, and started an adoption. Through all of the ups and downs, I know in my heart, there is no one else I could have made it through all the trials with other than Nick. I not only made it through but ended up with a smile on my face. I have truly loved being his wife and can't wait to be the mother of our children.
Here are some wedding photos...

And some from the other day...

Oh how the time flies!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Schooooool's out for Summer

Well June 12th came at last.  Didn't quite seem like the last week of school.  We are having unusual weather in Cali.  Last year, at the fifth grade promotion was a day of 112 degree sun.  This year was a very cool 58 degrees. The promotion went well and I will miss this group.  

I have one little boy whom really came into his own this year.  He pitched in half the amount for a new suit for graduation.  he had earned $75.oo so he could look "successful and distinguished."  He looked so sharp and his parents were the only in my class that could not make it.  It broke my heart.  

He explained that his father is very sick and went back to Mexico because they couldn't afford health care in the US.  He is being sent back with his older brothers to help earn money.  He said he will only go to school part time in Mexico.  He left this morning.  This little boy raised his reading level by three grades and brought his math scores up two band levels on the CST.  This is quite an accomplishment for a student that takes care of three little ones after school so his mom can work two jobs.   He explained that he was ready to join the workforce and take care of his family because that is what men do.  This little boy has the weight and responsibilities of most 30 year olds and is doing it with more integrity than many of the "fathers" I have met.  

 I am praying that the situation changes and he gets to be a kid again.  He is in my heart constantly.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fifty Years

We were blessed to have the opportunity to meet an incredible couple this weekend. They are celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversery this weekend and we were able to take photos of them. This is quite an accomplishment now a days. They said the key to fifty is "To have the same religion, politics, and sense of humor." They were so cute... and we learned so much in the short time we had with them.

Blessings of Life

This was a crazy weekend in our household. The type of weekend that makes you sit down and have some serious God time and count all of your blessings. My Aunt (46 years old) had a brain aneurysm this weekend. The symptoms were quick. Apparently only 50% of people survive the outcome. We were so fortunate that the aneurysm did not rupture. It leaked, causing a severe headache and confusion. The surgeons were able to preform a coil embolism (spelling?) which is the best treatment. They place several small platinum coils in the vein in her brain, through a vein in her leg. The surgery was successful and she is expected to make a full recovery. No delays, no problems. Modern Medicine in amazing. But God's small blessings, family, friends, love, sunsets, emotions and lastly, GRACE is inconceivable. Thank you God for your Daily Miracles.